I'm talking about the Christmas Spirit. I'm not feeling it yet.
I truly love Christmas. I love the lights, the music, the decorations, gifts, crowds (yes really), the food...I love it all. I enjoy the parties, the planning, the rushing around. It's a blast. But for some reason I just don't feel it yet this year.
Some would say it's still early and there is time. True. But I want it now. I'm ready now.
Here's the strange thing. I'm not sure why I'm not feeling it yet. I've already been to a party. I've received some gifts already. Our house looks like a Christmas catalog thinks to my amazing wife. The building at our church is decorated and I'm doing Christmas messages. But I'm still not there.
So What?
The Spirit of Christmas is not a feeling, it's a lifestyle.
Maybe I'm searching in the wrong place or even searching for the wrong thing. Maybe I should not be so concerned about a season of feeling but should be more concerned about an daily way of life that allows me to enjoy my relationship with God all the time. Maybe God is trying to tell me that I need to not be so concerned about feeling something awesome during the holiday season and start searching for an experience with Him daily.
After all, isn't that why He was born in the first place?
I think a lot of people get caught up in feeling for a season. When things are great, we're happy and think we are untouchable. When things don't really go the way we think they should, then we are down and think there is no hope. If we search after God daily, during the good and the bad, that's when i think our hope is eveident for a lifetime of seasons. As always, thanks for the message!
Doug, sink your teeth into this one.
Clarkgirl, I think you are right on with that one. Hope you experience Him today.
Thanks for that. He is right on too, as usual.
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