I shared with our staff some of what God has been telling me as I have been preparing for next year. We read 1 Kings 18 through 19:18. God's people had been experiencing a drought. It had not rained for three years, but God's man, Elijah, told them to get ready, rain was coming.
I challenged our staff to be ready for God's rain at Midtowne this year. I believe that this third year of our church is going to be a very pivotal year. This could be a "make or break" year for us and I am planning on it being the former. I truly believe that God is going to show us more of Himself and pour out more of His blessing on us than He ever has before. The past two years have been amazing but I'm convinced that, in the words of the great philosophers Bachman Turner Overdrive, we ain't seen nothing yet!
So What?
It's really simple this time. I want to ask you to pray with me for 2010. Pray that God would give us wisdom and boldness to follow Him. Pray that we would be ready when the rain comes. Pray about your role in what He wants to do this year. And remember to always give Him the glory for all of it.
Looks like rain...
Flowers need rain in order to grow. Trees need rain in order to survive. Some of the prettiest pictures are those of a forest with the sun beaming down upon it, just after an awful storm. Rain is good, storms are good. Midtowne is strong...we can make it. And you, Mr Weatherman, along with God, is what helps us stay prepared for the storm! I'm gonna go get my waders out of storage! I'm ready!!
Thanks Clarkgirl. I am getting my rain boots on too!
Count us in Doug! Like a guy told me when we went fishing in a tournament one time and it started to storm, "Aw c'mon Mike, A little rain won't hurt you. It doesn't have any soap in it!" I love a good storm!
I will pray for our church and for God to send the "rain"! I will pray that God shows me what my part needs to be and how He can use Shannon and I. We are all in!
Mike and Shannon Stevens
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