One of our staff members, who shall remain nameless in this post, recently brought their phone to me saying it was not working. We tried everything we could think of to make it work and it would not do anything. Staff Member took the phone to the phone store and was told to purchase a $75 dollar warranty plan then file a claim. It would take a day or two to get a loaner phone and then the company would try to fix or would replace the broken phone. I thought that was a little odd so I called my friend who works for the same company and he told me to bring the phone in and he would see what he could do.
I drove 45 minutes to the other side of Little Rock last night before going home to have dinner with my family to get this problem solved.
The store employees took the broken phone and my phone and were going to swap out my phone for a new on and give Staff Member my old phone. That would save us money and get everything resolved (my plan was the only one eligible for an upgrade). As the clerk was beginning this process, my friend took the broken phone, got a power cord, and plugged it in to the wall.
The phone sprung to life! It has worked fine all night and was given to Staff Member this morning with the following instructions: Plug it in!
So What?
Do you feel broken? Are you having a hard time "powering on" today? Have you tried everything you can think of and still you feel empty and powerless?
Plug in to the Power Source today by spending time with God. Talk to Him and let Him talk to you. Read His word and apply it to your life. Allow His Spirit to direct your thoughts and decisions as you go through your day. I guaran-dog-tee you that you will find the power you need to experience His Best today.
The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior;my God is my rock, in whom I find protection.He is my shield, the power that saves me,and my place of safety. Psalm 18:2 NLT
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