Where did all these kids come from? They were everywhere! Way more than we expected and planned for but not more than we could handle.
Last night Camp Kidstowne 09 kicked off with a bang! More than 150 kids showed up for all the games, music, crafts, fun, Bible stories, drama, and music. It was loud and wild.
But it was not out of control.
Our Children's Ministry Team did an amazing job. There were tons of volunteers, lots of supplies, plenty of plans, and more than enough smiles and hugs to go around. While the kids continued to stream in the volunteers adapted and made things go as smoothly as possible. Nobody panicked. Nobody griped. Nobody ran out screaming and pulling their hair (although I thought about it just for kicks). The entire team handled it as if they had planned it just that way. Instead of reacting negatively, everyone responded positively and saw what was happening as a blessing from God, not a disaster in the making.
So What?
First off, there is nothing better than a team with the same vision and passion. Way to go guys. Second, when things in life don't go as planned, don't spaz. Look and see if God is doing something amazing just to see if you're paying attention.
Here comes night number 2!
Night 2 - done! More amazing than the first night. Bring on #3!
Hey Anonymous, Yep, night 2 way better and bigger! Thanks for the support.
BTW...who are you?
Night 3 was great too, especially Mr. Jack's bible story about the Samaritan woman and that living water he gave her.
#4 is just a few hours away.
"You're the only one, you're the only one, you're the only one that I could live for!"
No effect from the rain. Another awesome night.
OK Anonymous, you have to post your name. :)
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