"Is that your last funeral?"
That's the question that greeted me Sunday evening when I finally got home. My daughter gave me a big hug and I could tell she was ready for me to be home for a while.
Unfortunately, the answer was, "No. I have one more tomorrow."
It was a tough week at Midtowne. We had four deaths in as many days. It was a very emotionally, physically, and even spiritually draining week. At one point I told my wife that I was not sure I had anything left to give to all of these grieving people.
As always, her wisdom came through. She reminded me that I never had anything to give in the first place. I am not God. I cannot be all that He is and can be to those who are hurting. I can only be His tool, His instrument, the carrier He uses to minister His grace, love and mercy to others.
So What?
When we are having one of those days, weeks, months, lives, that makes us feel we can't go on, remember this: God is the strength of our life and He will give us what we need when we need it. All we need to do is stay in touch with Him. I was reminded this past week of two pieces of scripture.
John 15:5 (Jesus speaking) Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. (NLT)
Psalm 73:26 My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.(NIV)
Be disciplined in developing your relationship with God. He will always give you what you need.
It is so evident that the you are a tool for God! Your devotion to Him is so empowering. Ps. 28:8 says that the Lord gives his people strength and that He is a safe fortress for His annointed. How I pray that I can be a tool for Him and that God can use me the way He uses you and your wife. I could not imagine trying to deal with life and the sorrows it sometimes throws our way without finding my peace and strength from God.
Thanks for that. I pray that we ALL submit to being used by Him daily.
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