Here is the Doug Pruitt Paraphrase.
The disciples decided it would be a good idea to celebrate the Passover meal with Jesus and asked Him where he wanted to do it. He told them to go into town and there would be a guy with a water pitcher who would lead them to a room that would already be prepared for them. When the two disciples went to town, they found everything exactly like Jesus told them it would be. (Imagine that!?)
When I read this story in my time alone with God last week, God gave me an amazing reassurance. As we began praying through the idea of starting a second service, our one desire was to do what God wanted us to do. The more we prayed the more obvious it became that this is the time of day and the time of year to start this exciting new chapter in our church. The more steps we have taken to see this change take place the more we have seen God show up. From the number of volunteers who have stepped up to serve to all of the logistical things that have fallen into place, it just could not be more obvious that this is it.
So what? As you begin to pray for and seek God's plan for your life, know that He has already mapped it out for you. All we have to do is get moving. If you have been trying to figure out what God has for you, it could be that you already know the what and are just waiting on the how. Start taking steps toward Him and doing what you already know to do and don't be surprised to find that He has already prepared the way for you. That's when you really get in on God's Best.
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