I hope you understand.
Sunday morning one of those occasions presented itself. Maybe you have experienced one before. You know, one of those Oh-wow-God-is-here-and-I-don't-want-to-miss-out-on-what-He-wants-to-do-so-I-am-
going-to-just-get-out-of-the-way-and-let-Him-do-His-thing moments. It's one of those indescribable moments in this life where you have absolutely no doubt that God is up to something. It's one of those way too rare occasions that happens in the midst of worship through music that leaves you awestruck. It happened Sunday morning.
There I was. Singing about the greatness of God when the message of the song pushed me down into my seat. I could no longer stand. I had to bow before my God in awe. I sat there listening to the Spirit speak to me and wondering how I should respond. All I knew to do was listen and be obedient.
I love those moments. I hate that for me they are way too few and far between. I know that they cannot be manufactured (although I believe they can be manipulated and have, unfortunately, seen that happen). I just pray that when it happens again, I will be ready and obedient again. And I pray that the next time is not too far off.
1 comment:
It definitely was one of those spirit things. As we sang I could not stand any longer. I had to bow down in reverence to God. His presence filled the room and it was sweet.
Thank you for the message you shared about work and pass on to Kenny and the band just how much what they do brings us closer to God. I've not been able to get "You make everything glorious" out of my head this week. It's been my daily worship to Him.
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