So are you excited?
That was the question posed to me yesterday after I told a friend of mine all about the church and all that was going on. I also told them about our plans to have two services for Easter since we have been growing so fast.
Evidently I hesitated and gave a very unconvincing "Yes."
Don't get me wrong. I am very excited. Things could not be much better. We are growing in every way. People are coming, learning, participating, committing, being baptized...it's awesome. But I would be a little less than honest if I didn't say that I am still a bit overwhelmed (and you know how I feel about honesty).
The cool thing is I know that God has called us to this ministry at this time and in this place. I also know that there is nothing that I can't handle with His help. I also know that God has put an incredible team of volunteers and others around me to serve with me. We have already seen and experienced His Best in so many ways and because He is faithful, which means He always comes through (and that is my favorite characteristic of God), I don't expect any thing less than His Best to continue.
My prayer today for you and for me is that we would continue to boldly move ahead with our mission. That we would always recognize Him in it, and that we would share this overwhelming excitement with everyone with whom we come in contact today.
Are you excited?
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