Did you see Tina Turner on the Grammy's? For being 123 years old she can still go. Pretty amazing.
I don't know if you remember that song or not but what an interesting question. Now I know she was not really talking about "love" but about...whatever. But still I think that today especially (V-Day) that there are a lot of people asking that question.
Here is the answer: Love has EVERYTHING to do with it. Without love we are just noise. Without love we are just going through the motions. Without love we are faking our way through life. Without love we are wasting time and energy. Without love we lose.
I want you to know, dear readers (all four of you, 5 if my mom gets her machine working), that I love you. Even if I don't know who you are, I love you. Why? Because God loves you and He has a great plan for your life. He wants you to experience His Best for you today and everyday. He will never bail out on you, run away from you, hurt you, dump you, nor talk bad about you to the people at work. He will not make fun of you. He will not do things to make you look bad. He will love you in the purest form of love. After all, He made you and love was/is His idea.
So Happy Valentine's Day! Even if you don't get a card, a flower, any candy, or even if you don't have a "date" for tonight, know that you are loved with an everlasting love. And one thing you can do today to help you experience God's Best for you is to show His love to someone else.
There's your answer Tina and I hope you experience God's Love today too.
"Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:13
When I was watching the grammys I was thinking to myself...isn't she 123.
Chelsea and I are watching and praying for you guys and we're so excited about what God's doing in your community!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Hey Doug, there are actually six of us reading!
Leslie and I are going to come out and see you one of these Sundays. It looks like God is really working through Midtowne- Exciting!
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