As December rolls in, I am faced with so many new things. All of which are very good. All are very exciting. All are being forged by God and I am praying that I don't get in the way.
The month started with our Launch Team gathering on December 2 for a time of worship and a "family discussion" on what a real church should be. As we looked at Acts chapter 2, we found some things that we must implement in order to be the church that God has called us to be. As a result, our focus on our mission has become more clear.
After our worship, we enjoyed lunch together as a family and then prepared for our next serving project. We assembled gift bags with information about our upcoming community event and a cookie cutter. The card attached to the bag read, "Don't have another cookie cutter Christmas." On the back was information about our two previews services this month, December 9 and 23. We distributed 1,000 of these bags in neighborhoods around the building where we meet. We had a ton of fun and the Lord even kept the rain away until we were completely done.
The other information in the bag was about our Family Christmas Festival which will be this Saturday, December 8, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. We will have pony rides, carnival games, a hay ride, puppet show, and free food. The Launch Team has really stepped up and is doing a great job making this event happen. We are even distributing info at the local schools and Sonic is giving out information too.
All of this leads up to our Official Launch on January 6. To say the momentum is building would be a gross understatement. To say that we are all incredibly excited would not even come close to describing what we are feeling. To say that God is moving in and through us would be saying the very least. I get goose bumps even writing about it!
Why will this be a December to remember? Because this will be the month that we remember as the month that the Launch Pad was prepared. The month that the foundation was laid. The month that our faith was tested and proved. The month that God began to give us a glimpse of what is to come.
Are you ready?
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