That's Portuguese for "Anyone home?" I used that phrase a lot last week while in Santos Dumont. It's pronounced "Oh Chee Caza." It actually became a joke between us, the "Americans," and the awesome people of our church in Santos Dumont. Every time we saw each other, that became the greeting.
Yes I did say "our church" in Santos Dumont. That's not a mistake. We are a part of that church as they are ours. It is truly amazing (and that's the best word I have come up with so far) to see the vision and ministry of Rock Creek happening here in LIttle Rock but even more amazing to see it happening half a world away in a town called Santos Dumont in Brazil. The week we spent there was beyond words. We saw so many things happen that it would take way more room than this blog spot has to offer in order to adequately express it. So let me just give you a few highlights.
How does distributing 30,000 loaves of bread in four days sound? All to show God's love in a practical way (By the way, they taught me to say "to show God's love" in Portuguese).
How does well over 1,500 people showing up for a Saturday night event sound? Especially since the church only runs about 220 in their weekend services.
How does seeing an entire town of over 40,000 people get excited about something that has never been done before, especially not by a church sound?
Are you getting the picture? And now I get the awesome privilege of teaching in our services this weekend to cap off an incredible trip. I will reference the trip in my message this weekend. Simply because it will give a great perspective to us as Americans and as followers of Christ. I hope that we will all learn what it means to serve more and be a servant at home and not just in other places because after all, isn't home where the heart is?
I left a piece of my heart in Santos Dumont. I can't wait to go back there and se how it has grown. But in the mean time, I must serve where I am. And it starts with my family.
Its exciting to see so many of Little Rock's churches building relationships with churches around the world, and with each other. There is a lot of hope for the future of the "big C" Church, and I for one am hopeful.
Hi, Doug I'm a member of baptist church in Santos Dumont we're so happy with all the things happened here.Come back again and we will sing " the grace of god, the love of jesus and confort of holy spirit stay over you "
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