Monday, May 1, 2006

stamp give-a-way

What do people really need on tax day besides money to pay their taxes? We thought it would be cool to give them free stamps so they could mail their returns in. So a handful of people gathered at the main post office in North Little Rock to do just that. They were strategically positioned on the sidewalk along the road before people get to the post office. The traffic was backed up as far as you could see. And there they were holding their sign that read "Free Stamps for Tax Returns", wearing their Rock Creek shirts and huge smiles, and passing out stamps as fast as they could. People on the street were stopping and waving them over, asking how much the stamps cost and looking back in shock and with great relief when they heard, "Nothing. We're just doing this to show God's love!"

By 10pm three hundred stamps were gone. They looked at each other and said, "How much does a roll of stamps cost?" When they realized it was nearly $40, one said, "I've got a 20." Another said, "Me too!" So off to get another 100 stamps they went. The next thing I knew, there was another 100 stamps being passed around to give away. By the time 11:00pm rolled around, 500 stamps had been given away.

Each one with a big smile and a card that read "Life is taxing. But God loves you." The back of the card had all the vital information about Rock Creek on it. As people took the stamps and the cards and continued their slow drive in the traffic to drop off their return, they would look back at us and smile. Many still in disbelief that anyone, let alone a church, would give away stamps for free.

There are many more great details about this night, but I don't have room here to share them. You might want to ask someone if they were a part of it. They would be happy to tell you all about the great stamp giveaway.

If you want to be a part of things like this, check out Rock Creek's Serving Ministry. It is a great way to show God's love in practical ways.

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