I had a great conversation yesterday with some people after church. We were standing there in the entrance to the Worship Center near the Angel Tree table and they mentioned that all of the Angels had been adopted.
Angel Tree is a ministry of Prison Fellowship where children of inmates receive Christmas gifts. Obviously, if a parent is incarcerated they cannot go Christmas shopping. So Prison Fellowship developed this program. Inmates enroll in the program, make a list of gifts for their kids, get that list to PF and them local organizations "adopt" the kids, Angels, and purchase those gifts in the name of the child's mother or father and then deliver the gifts to the kids before Christmas.
It is an awesome opportunity to minister to these families and it takes a lot of work on the front end. The organization, in this case Midtowne Church, must contact the care giver of the kids and make sure where they live, make sure the sizes are accurate for clothing, etc. Then the angels have to be adopted.
I was impressed when out Angel Tree Coordinator told me that she thought we should adopt more than 150 Angels. She told me that she thought we could do it. I have to admit that, once again, I was not real sure our church could do it. After all, we are a new church and have a bunch of very young Christians and a lot of "un-churched" and "de-churched" people here.
So back to the conversation with the people after church yesterday. When they told me all the Angles had been adopted, I got very excited. This was only the second Sunday that we made them available and now
all of them were gone! I told the people to whom I was talking how proud I was of the people at Midtowne and their heart for ministry. It is very humbling to be a part of something like this. The people here are really catching on to this idea of ministry and just what it means to show God's love.
So What? Don't ever forget why we are here. It's not about a person, or an organzation. It's all about helping others find and experience God's Best. What will you do to show God's love to someone? How can you get in on God's Best for your life by sharing God's Best with someone else?
Midtowne People, I am proud of you and humbled to be a part of this thing called "church" with you.