Just two more weeks. Yep, in two weeks we will launch our Second Sunday Morning Service. We will now have one at 9:00am and one at 10:30am. I'm so excited I can hardly stand it!
When God lead me to this building about 14 months ago, I knew this was where we were supposed to be. The only concern the Launch Team and I had was, "Is it big enough?" Every time that question was asked, my answer was always the same, "We will do Multiple Services." I had no idea it would happen this fast but here we are only 10 months since our launch and way past due. So it happens on November 16.
Launching a second service on Sunday morning presents a ton of new opportunities. We will have more opportunities for people to serve (having a second service means having a second hour of Kidstowne and Kidstowne Live too). It gives us the opportunity to reach more people with God's Love. It provides us the opportunity to sustain the momentum that God is driving through our church right now. And we will have more opportunities to see God work in the lives of people, and He loves to do that.
Adding another service is not about becoming a bigger "church." It's all about bulding up THE Church. God's Kingdom. Not Midtowne. The fact of the matter is this: When you are following the plan that God has given you, you will see growth. That growth will be Spiritual and numerical. It's all throughout the Bible. And that's all we want to do.
So What?
Over the next two weeks I will be teaching a new series called "Grow Up." We will look at ways to grow ourselves Spiritually and anticipate growth numerically. I want to invite you to begin now asking God how He wants you to grow. Whether you attend Midtowne or any other church, God does not want you to remain an immature, inactive child of His. He wants you to Grow Up and get in on His Best.