Midtowne Church held it's second serving project and second Preview service this past weekend and all I know to say is WOW!
About 25 of us went all around the community handing out appreciation bags to employees at local businesses. I wish you could have seen the faces and heard the comments that they made when we told them we appreciate them and all they do. My favorite was, "That's never happened before." A sad commentary on our culture I think and statistics say that the number one reason people change jobs is because they feel unappreciated. We want to change that.
Sunday morning we gathered for our second preview service. The mood was electric and the Spirit was very present. We held this service in the warehouse portion of the building because we didn't think we would fit in the smaller classroom we used last time. We were right. We had a full band that did awesome worship and I spoke about giving thanks to others this Thanksgiving. Even though I was battling a sinus infection, God showed up. I am so glad it doesn't depend on me and my ability.
The Children's Ministry did a great job with the kids and all of our volunteers were awesome. I am so thankful for our Launch Team and their commitment to this ministry. God is up to something big in Saline County and I am thankful to be a small part of it.
One weekend down and a lifetime more to go. What will God do next? I can hardly wait to find out!